- Two Conceptions... The Preamble
Berlin addresses the issue of pluralism as the very idea of politics : it is because human beings do not share the same conception of life, of what is (...)
- Part 1 : the notion of negative freedom
Negative freedom can be described as an « area » where none interferes with someone’s business. But liberty is also a modern concept, it also a « cultural era (...)
- Part 2 : the notion of positive freedom — Positive freedom as a « wish »
There is in Berlin the basis for a philosophy of « non-history » linked to his anti-hegelian positions. For Hegel, History solves the contradiction that rose (...)
- Part 3 : the retreat into the inner citadel
The originality of Kant (which plays « a central role in politics no less than in ethics », end 2nd § p. 136) is that he does not try to « eliminate » desire, (...)
- Foreword to Three lectures on individuals, citizens, and society
Three of the lectures I delivered in South Africa in 1996 were collected and published in the collection of the School of Governance of the Western Cape (...)
- France and the European Union : values and concerns
A lecture I delivered at the university in Bath in 1997 and updated for the University of Texas, Austin in 1998
For better or for worse France is a (...)
- Europe should not be a technical issue
A text written as a long introduction to my lecture on the EU in 1997, and then too long to be integrated in it. The issue of the technicality in Europe (...)
- The information society : a new deal for citizens ?
An interview I gave for Label France No. 41 « The information society - French style ».
Visit the original link
inequality, democracy... An interview (...)
- Discours de rentrée Middlebury College
A traditional speech delivered by the Associate director at the beginning of the summer undergraduate program, Middlebury College,VT.
As always, at the (...)
- The price of Freedom
I recently found this—somewhat—choppy text about the sense of freedom in America after the 9/11 attacks. I wrote it a few months ago, as part of a project on (...)
- France - USA : Global interactions from politics to Economy
A presentation given at Ball Sate University (Indiana, USA) on April 28, 2009 under the kind auspices of Professor Douglas Naffziger.
Personal traits (...)
- It is a Magical School, It is a School of Magic !
Discours d’ouverture du programme de 1er Cycle à Middlebury
Good morning, my name is Thierry Leterre, I am the associate director of the French School. (...)
- Thanksgiving Speech
Speech delivered for the Thanskgiving dinner at the Dolibois Center (the dinner is traditionally held on the Luxembourg campus 8 days in advance).
Mr. the (...)
- Closing remarks, World Peace Forum
Delivered at the World Peace Forum.
Mr. President, Mr. Senator, Mr. Minister, Dear colleagues and students, Dear friends,
I was kindly offered to present (...)
- Welcome remarks for the « Cultural Dinner » closing the Transatlantic Dialog Conference
The transatlantic Dialog conference was initiated in Luxembourg by Miami Ohio and the University of Luxembourg, to which Bowling Green Ohio joined early in (...)
- Opening of the Gala Dinner for the US Ambassador
Madam Ambassador, Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues and students, dear friends,
We have this evening a very special guest for our Wednesday lecture, (...)
- Welcome Notes
My first Welcome to my first group of students at Miami University in Luxembourg.
My name is Thierry Leterre, I am the Dean of the John E. Dolibois (...)
- It’s All About People
My very first speech at Miami, as I was applying for the position of Dean of Miami University in Europe.
Thank you Dean Stiller,
Thank you for your (...)